Questions to ask

Questions to ask

It is encouraged that all parents/guardians of participants in clinical trials make an informed decision when it comes to enrolling in a clinical trial. Therefore, it is important to ask as many questions as necessary before providing informed consent.

You can discuss your questions with a researcher or health professional. When planning to discuss participation, please consider:

  • Taking a family member or friend along for support in asking questions
  • Plan your questions ahead of time by writing them down
  • Be prepared to write down answers to your questions
  • Be open minded to advice you may receive


 About the trial

  • What is the aim of this trial?
  • How will this trial help?
  • Is this trial testing something new? If so, why is this trial different?
  • Will the trial use a placebo? What does that mean?
  • How long will the trial go for?
  • Will I be paid to participate in this trial?
  • Will my expenses be paid for?
  • Who is funding this trial?

About participation

  • How will this trial affect my daily life?
  • Will I need to take time off work/school?
  • How long do my hospital visits take?
  • What sort of tests are involved?
  • Do I need to complete questionnaires or keep a diary?
  • Do I need to change any medications/treatments I am taking?
  • What would happen if I decide to leave the trial before it ends?
  • Who will I contact about my care? When are they available?

 About the risks

  • What are the risks in participating in this trial?
  • What are the side effects I could expect from this trial?
  • What happens if I am experiencing side effects?
  • If there are complications that arise from the trial, who is responsible for paying for the costs associated with them?

 After the trial

  • How does a trial end?
  • Is there any follow-up care available after the trial?
  • How do I find out the results of the trial? When will that be?
  • If the trial works, can I continue taking the treatment/therapy even after the trial has ended?