Genetic Metabolic Disorders Service

Genetic Metabolic Disorders Service

This page is a research page. For clinical information, please view our metabolic genetics service page on the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network website.

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The Genetic Metabolic Disorders Service is one of the clinical arms of the Western Sydney Genetics Program based at both The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and the Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick. We are a multidisciplinary statewide service that provides diagnostic and specialised clinical care for children and adolescents with Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM). We are closely integrated with the other laboratory arms of the WSGP, particularly the Newborn Screening Service, the Biochemical Genetics Service and Sydney Genome Diagnostics. 


The improvement in biochemical and molecular diagnostics has been substantial over the past 20 years: the focus is now shifting towards the use of advanced therapeutics to treat these diagnosed patients. Accordingly, our team is embarking on early-phase interventional therapeutic trials, particularly for disorders with a lack of current treatment options.


  • Using cutting edge biochemical and genomic technologies, we have been directly involved in the discovery of novel genes associated with rare genetic disorders such as CRLS1. 
  • We have also provided detailed delineations of the natural and treated history of many conditions, including mitochondrial disorders, specific disorders of fatty acid oxidation (HMG-CoA lyase and CACT deficiencies) and lysosomal storage disorders (such as aspartylglucosaminuria).


Clinical A/Prof Carolyn Ellaway

Clinical A/Prof Carolyn Ellaway

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A/Prof Ellaway, Paediatrician and Clinical Geneticist runs the largest Rett syndrome clinic in Australia. She has been PI of several clinical trials for rare genetic disorders and is the Australian PI of a Rett syndrome gene therapy trial.
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Dr Shanti Balasubramaniam

Dr Shanti Balasubramaniam

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Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Sydney. Shanti’s research interests include expansion of newborn screening program, functional genomic technologies in mitochondrial disease and rare inborn errors, gene and mRNA therapies for metabolic disorders.
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Conjoint A/Prof Kaustuv Bhattacharya

Conjoint A/Prof Kaustuv Bhattacharya

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Kiera Batten

Kiera Batten

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Senior Metabolic Dietitian, PhD Candidate UNSW. Kiera has a BSc (Nutrition Dietetics) & BAppSc (Exercise Sport Science). Kiera is currently investigating nutrient and exercise interventions to optimise physical activity capacity, in inborn errors of metabolism.
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More team members

  • Dr Julie Curtin - Acting Head of Genetic Metabolic Disorders Service
  • Dr Kate Lichkus
  • Dr Dinusha Pandithan
  • Dr Zahrul Ismadi           
  • Dr Arthavan Selvanathan
  • Sue Thompson - Metabolic Dietitian
  • Samantha Vibert - Metabolic Dietitian
  • Tessa Bollard - Metabolic Dietitian
  • Amanda Owers - Metabolic Dietitian
  • Jacqui Russell - Nurse Practitioner