Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit

Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit

The Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit (APSU) is an affiliated research organisation with the University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, located at Kids Research based at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead. 


Rare diseases and conditions are chosen for their public heath significance and impact on children, adolescents, and family members. To date the APSU has studied a range of infectious, vaccine preventable, mental health, congenital and genetic conditions as well as injuries in paediatric patients. For many of these rare diseases and conditions, the APSU is the only national mechanism for data collection. 


  • We have influenced a number of Australian child health policy and laws, including those relating to pool fencing, polio status within the Western Pacific Region and food preparation. 
  • Our research into button battery injuries in children has led to world-first mandatory changes instituted by the Australian Government, including child-resistant packaging for lithium batteries of all sizes and other types of batteries with a diameter greater than 16mm. 
  • We are increasing awareness and improving diagnosis for human CytoMegaloVirus (CMV), through our national surveillance study, the longest surveillance study of CMV in the world spanning over 23 years. 
  • Our monitoring of HIV infection among children in Australia is reducing mother-to-child transmission by identifying HIV-positive pregnant women to provide early treatments.
