Nurturing research leaders

Nurturing research leaders

Kids Research Clinician Researcher Fellowships
Laurel, Himanshu, Bernadette and Cathryn

Four talented researchers have become the first to receive our new clinician researcher fellowships at Kids Research, including Dr Laurel Mimmo, Dr Himanshu Popat, Dr Bernadette Prentice and Dr Cathryn Crowle.

The newly established scheme aims to drive research and innovation across Kids Research, while also building clinician-researcher career pathways...

Establishing a dedicated team to support researchers

Kids Research established its Research Development Unit to support researchers at all stages of their research and careers, including navigating research processes, utilising data platforms, promoting funding opportunities, enhancing academic and clinical partnerships, and early to mid-career research support.

The team have been instrumental in supporting researchers by creating the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network Research Community of Practice, facilitating access to NSW Health REDCap, streamlining grant and funding processes, initiating the inaugural Kids Research Clinician Researcher Fellowship scheme, and enabling professional development opportunities through strategic partnerships like Franklin Women and more.


Celebrating Joshua Burns' 20 years of leadership

With Professor Joshua Burns PhD bidding farewell to his time at The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network and University of Sydney, he leaves behind a 20 year long legacy of incredible work and transformative leadership.

Professor Burns' career has been defined by his significant impact to research and clinical practice in paediatric neuropathy, improving the lives of children and their families living with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and related neuropathies.

“After two decades at the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network and the University of Sydney, the time has come to take on a new challenge in my career," he said. "My new role will provide me with laser sharp focus to pursue several transformative work packages to accelerate my research efforts..."

Recognising Sarah Garnett's 30 years of service

Associate Professor Sarah Garnett has significantly contributed to paediatric healthcare across her 30 years with Kids Research and The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network.

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A recognised authority in childhood obesity and nutrition, A/Prof Garnett has led pivotal research addressing the prevention and management of these conditions in young populations. Her long-standing commitment to mentoring early-career clinicians and researchers has fostered a culture of innovation and excellence, shaping strategic direction of research initiatives within the Network and beyond.

Under her leadership as the Chair of the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC), the Committee was appointed as the only paediatric specialist HREC in NSW for early-phase clinical trials.

A/Prof Garnett's influence extends beyond the Network, driving initiatives that strengthen paediatric research infrastructure and capabilities across NSW. She remains a mentor and advocate, fostering the next generation of researchers dedicated to improving the lives of children statewide and beyond.


Awards and honours

  • Dr Lucia Smith, Research Governance Manager at Kids Research, was awarded the NSW Health Research Administrator Award, voted by peers for demonstrating exceptional leadership and knowledge sharing in the support of research administrators (pictured).
    Lucia Smith
  • Grace Centre for Newborn Intensive Care team were awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Research Excellence.
  • Prof Marilyn Cruickshank was inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau Hall of Fame for contribution to nursing research.
  • Dr Alan Ma received an Early Mid Career (EMC) Researcher Award from Sydney Health Partners for ‘Research Leading To Change of Practice’ for SCHN genomic MDT research.
  • Chandana Guha, PhD student, received The Kidney Health Australia Clinical Science award at the Australian New Zealand Society of Nephology 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting.
  • Dr Katelyn Dyason received the 2024 Jenike Young Investigator Award from the International OCD Foundation for evidence-based care for OCD in rural Australia and sharing research success at Parliament House to MPs and Senators at the Youth Mental Health Showcase (pictured).
    Katelyn Dyason
  • Dr Kasia Kozlowska was recognised as the top expert in Paediatric Functional Neurological Disorders in Australia and ranked 10th worldwide.
  • Dr Laurel Mimmo and Prof Marilyn Cruickshank awarded first place in Poster presentation for the 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care in Rome, Italy.
  • Population Child Health Research Group were nominated for the NSW Health Award for Health Innovation for their Rural Kids GPS program.
  • Kids Research Governance team were a nominated finalist in the inaugural NSW Health Research Administrator Awards.