IP and Commercialisation

IP and Commercialisation

Research Commercialisation Office

Kids Research and the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network (SCHN) supports and encourages staff and students to develop ideas which might have commercial potential. Our Research Commercialisation Office are responsible in managing the potential commercialisation of IP developed at SCHN.

IP protection

It is mandatory for staff to disclose inventions that could lead to the development of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) to the Commercialisation Office.

It is important to note that any IP developed in the course of employment is automatically assigned on creation to SCHN and in cases where the SCHN Intellectual Property Committee determines commercial viability, SCHN will pay for the appropriate IP protection.

For any questions or concerns regarding development of IP in the course of employment, please contact the IP and Commercialisation Manager for a confidential discussion.

SCHN Intellectual Property Committee

The SCHN Intellectual Property Committee (IPC) manages the evaluation, ownership, protection and commercialisation of Intellectual Property developed from health and medical research conducted at SCHN. The SCHN IPC operates in accordance with the NSW Health Policy Directive: Intellectual Property arising from Health Research (PD2023_007).

The SCHN IPC liaises with a number of patent and commercialisation advisors to ensure that all IP is considered in a fair and equitable manner. They liaise directly with IP and commercialisation expertise to undertake filing and or reviews. With the permission of the Director of Research, these companies will meet with the researcher/s to seek further information and or advice.

The main objectives of IPC operations are to:

  • Educate researchers about recording, managing and protecting IP developed at SCHN
  • Manage the potential commercialisation of IP developed at SCHN
  • Encourage researchers to submit a formal IP disclosure associated with new research undertakings
  • Support researchers and guide them through the process of protecting their IP if they have a viable invention
  • Manage commercialisation of IP

Contact the SCHN Commercialisation Office

Contact the SCHN IP and Commercialisation Manager