Research Grants

Research Grants

Research Grants Office

As the research body within the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network (SCHN), Kids Research aims to support its researchers with all stages of their research projects. The Research Grants Office specifically focuses on helping guide SCHN researchers with applications and submissions for competitive grant and funding opportunities from government and non-government funding bodies.

Grant approvals

Grant applications submitted by SCHN researchers require preliminary approval from their line Managers and/or Head of Departments, before final approval by the SCHN Director of Research and/or the SCHN Chief Executive. For more information on these processes:

What does the Research Grants Office do?

The Research Grants Office supports SCHN researchers with their grant applications by:

  • Advising on competitive research grant opportunities
  • Identifying relevant funding bodies and schemes
  • Providing feedback on written proposals and application development
  • Reviewing budgets and advising on funding requests
  • Checking application compliance to ensure eligibility
  • Providing information on salary gaps and indirect research costs
  • Assist in obtaining internal/external approvals for application submissions

The Research Grants Office also works closely with other local health districts, university research offices, medical research institutes and philanthropic funding bodies to ensure appropriate research grant management and partnerships. 

Why do I need to get my grant application approved before applying?

Grant applications follow strict guidelines and processes. Research grant applications that represent or incorporate SCHN requires executive approval. This approval must be granted by your line Manager and/or Head of Department, before final approval by the SCHN Director of Research and/or the SCHN Chief Executive.

What is classified as a 'research grant'?

Research grants could include:

  • Donations
  • Equipment/Infrastructure
  • Fellowships
  • Project grants
  • Scholarships
  • Travel grants
  • Other

If in doubt, please contact the Research Grants Office.

I have been successful in securing a research grant, what do I do now?

Congratulations on a successful grant application!

Please see our grant success process page for more information on your next steps.

Contact the Research Grants Office