Grant success process

Grant success process

The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network (SCHN) is keen to hear and celebrate research grant successes. To help facilitate this knowledge and acknowledgment, please follow these step by step processes.

Celebrate the research grant success

Congratulations on a successful grant application!

Please let us know by completing the Grant Success Form or by emailing the Research Grants Office. Please attach your notification of success letter/email.

Execute a funding agreement

Funding agreements between the funding body or administrating organisations now need to be prepared.

Funding agreements can only be executed by the SCHN Director of Research or the SCHN Chief Executive. Please do not have the Head of your department execute any funding agreements. Further information on research grant/funding agreements can be found on our Research Governance page.

Once a Funding Agreement has been executed, please inform the Research Grants Office. Please attach your Funding Agreement. 

Share your success

Funding success is a great achievement!

Please inform us by emailing the Research Communications team.

If your grant announcement is under embargo, please let us know.