Grant application process

Grant application process

The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network (SCHN) encourages staff to identify and apply for relevant grant opportunities to fund important research initiatives. To help facilitate SCHN review and support of these applications, the Research Grants Office provides step by step processes.

How to submit a grant application

Email your intent to apply for a grant opportunity

In the first instance, please register your interest in applying for a grant opportunity by emailing the Research Grants Office.

Please provide details on:

  • The grant you are applying for
  • When submissions are due
  • If you require a letter of support

You will then be provided with any submission requirements.

Submit the application for preliminary review/approval

All grant applications submitted by SCHN researchers require preliminary approval from their line Managers and/or Head of Departments, before final approval by the SCHN Director of Research and/or the SCHN Chief Executive.

Each grant opportunity has different completion, approval and submission requirements. Intensive documents that require multiple approvals may take weeks for review and sign-off. On occasions, applications may also be capped per institution and require local culling.

Please submit your draft application to the Research Grants Office at least 1 week prior to the submission deadline. Please note that this timing is general advice only. For large applications more time will be required. 

Submit the final application to the funding body

Pending the application requirements, applicants will either submit the final applications themselves, or the Research Grants Office will submit on their behalf.

Complete the grant notification submission form

Once an application has been formally submitted to the funding body, please complete the grant submission notification form.

Grant submission notification form

Grant requirements

Before you submit your grant application, please ensure your application:

  • Aligns with the grant objectives and/or topic 
  • Follows the grant guidelines
  • Appropriately answers the grant questions
  • Is Clear, Concise and Compelling (3 C’s)
  • Has been proofread by colleagues 
  • Has been checked for spelling, grammar, formatting and word limits

Ensure hospital names are entered correctly and in full (in the first instance), i.e.

  • The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network (SCHN)
  • Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick (SCH)
  • The Children's Hospital at Westmead (CHW)

SCHN details for Host/Administrating Institution/Research Office Contact is:

  • Name: SCHN Research Grants Office
  • Email:
  • Address: Kids Research. The Children's Hospital at Westmead. Level 2. Corner Hawkesbury Road and Hainsworth Street. Westmead NSW 2145.
  • Phone: 7825 1400

Grant application tips

Characteristics of high-scoring NHMRC Investigator Grant applications.

Clarity of responses to the criteria

  • Well written (no spelling/grammatical errors), well justified, with clear and concise statements.
  • Addressed all criteria questions clearly, followed applicant guidance correctly.

Track record, relative to opportunity

  • A strong top 10 publications track record, relative to opportunity, including publications with first/last authorship and effectively describing and substantiating the applicant’s role in multi-author work.
  • Clear and specific explanation of the applicant’s contribution to the selected publications and justification of the publication’s importance to the field.
  • Consistent high-quality research outcomes/outputs, relative to opportunity.
  • Clear evidence of upward career trajectory.
  • Research impact was clearly described and evidenced/corroborated.
    • Used tangible examples to illustrate the change (impact) that occurred as a direct result of the research .
    • Clearly identified an impact beyond the initial research finding.
    • Included evidence that the impact had significant and far-reaching benefits.
    • Clearly described and evidenced how the applicant’s research program contributed to the reach and significance of the impact.
    • Clearly described and evidenced how the applicant contributed to the research program that led to the research impact.
  • Evidence of a leadership role in their field of research or institution.

Knowledge gain

  • A clear research proposal with well-justified rationale/methods/hypothesis with a strong vision for the future outlining a program of research that is achievable/feasible within the 5-year timeframe, and not just a set of disparate projects.
  • Clear statements on:
    • What the research might achieve.
    • How the proposed research is a significant progression on current activities, with a clear trajectory.
  • No assumed knowledge, proposed research described in a way that is understandable to someone not directly in the field (avoided jargon and obscure acronyms).