
Kids Research

Kids Research is part of the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network. We are leading translational research to better the lives of sick children.

Leading paediatric research for 15 years

Kids Research is the research arm for the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network, dedicated to improving the health of sick children through the translation of new discoveries into clinical practice. Translational research is how we improve clinical care and treatment pathways for children suffering from severe illness.

We are based at Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick, and The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.

The life-changing clinical trial that will save hundreds

We delivered the world-first clinical trial for a life-changing gene therapy for infants diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

Recent News

Partnerships are our greatest asset

We are a part of a state-wide network with universities, research institutions and clinical services.

We lead paediatric translational research

Kids Research is a part of the largest paediatric health care entity in Australia, the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network. We have over 600 research, clinical and auxiliary staff dedicated to enhancing the future of children's healthcare through translational research.

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