RNA for Rare Diseases (RNA-4RD) project

RNA for Rare Diseases (RNA-4RD) project

Splice variant submission form

We take referrals from clinicians across Australia. Please submit patient details and variant information (if known) to our submission portal. We review these weekly and will respond to the referring clinician with our initial assessment within the week.

Please note we will be closing RNA4RD ascertainment on 31 March 2025. You are welcome to submit cases for review by the team. Please email us if you have a clinically urgent case, and we will do our best to help. Due to slow recruitment from WA we will still accept cases from WA probands until 30 June 2025. Please contact Dr Chi Lynch Sutherland if you have any questions.

Splice variant submission form

About the project

The RNA for Rare Disease (RNA-4RD) project is a national research initiative introducing ground-breaking RNA diagnostic testing into routine clinical practice across Australia.

With genetic disorders affecting 1 in 100 individuals, precise genetic diagnosis is key to personalised health care, disease prevention and sometimes a cure or treatment. For the 50% of families undiagnosed after DNA testing, a diagnosis could potentially lie in their RNA.

Led by Professor Sandra Cooper, the RNA-4RD project hopes to pave the way for comprehensive integration of RNA diagnostics into mainstream clinical practice to improve diagnoses of families living with these rare genetic diseases or inherited cancer predisposition and revolutionise personalised health care options.

The RNA-4RD investigator team consists of CIA Sandra Cooper, CIB Bruce Bennetts, CIC Michael Buckley, CID Sarah Sandaradura, CIE Peer Arts, CIF Eduardo Eyras, CIG Emma Tudini, CIH Ben Lundie, CII Mark Davis, CIJ Natasha Brown, CIK Belinda Chong, CIL Ilias Goranitis, CIM Himanshu Goel, CIN Tracy Dudding-Blyth, CIO Chris Richmond.  AIA Hamish Scott, AIB Amanda Spurdle, AIC John Christodoulou, AID Michel Tchan, AIE Carolyn Sue, AIF Ingrid Winship, AIG Andrew Fennell, AIH Boe Rambaldini, AII Kylie Gwynne, AIJ Mathew Wallis.

This project is thanks to the Australasian clinical genetic and diagnostic genomic pathology communities, and to its funding partners the MRFF Genomics Health Futures Mission and Lenity Australia. It also acknowledges Sydney Health Partners and Luminesce Alliance for their iterative support of this pioneering study of clinical RNA Diagnostics.

Prof Sandra Cooper

Prof Sandra Cooper

Sandra is the Principal Investigator for RNA4RD. Head of the Genomic Medicine group. Scientific Director of KNC.
Related Links

Splicing diagnostics information

Translating technical innovations for splicing diagnostics into clinical genomics

Kids Neuroscience Centre are executing a Sydney Health Partners NHMRC MRFF research program to evaluate the clinical utility of RNA testing to show experimentally if and how a variant in the DNA disrupts splicing.

We use two methodologies to test a patient’s RNA. The first technique sequences all of the mRNA in a patient sample. We then analyse this data to look for variations in splicing of the gene of interest in age and sex matched controls. We validate the different splicing events observed in the RNA-Seq experiment by a highly-sensitive amplification-based technical platform (reverse transcription RT-PCR) or by long read RNA sequencing (Nanopore).

Splicing studies are carried out using RNA isolated from readily available biospecimens such as blood cells, skin fibroblasts, or available frozen biopsy specimens. We need to access a tissue that has appropriate expression levels of the gene of interest to get meaningful results that can provide supporting experimental evidence to enable clinical classification of putative splice variants.

Throughout 2023, we will evaluate the diagnostic efficacy, cost-effectiveness, clinical benefits, and family impact; of diagnostic testing of 100 families with putative splice variants in a clinical setting.

Splice variant submission portal

We have created a submission portal where putative splice variants can be submitted for review. This data is securely stored on a Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) server to protect patient confidentiality and automatically feeds into our reports. This enables tracking of cases and provides all variant and inheritance information we need to devise the appropriate technical strategy.

The submission portal requests identifying patient information. However, you do not need to provide identifying information for confidentiality reasons, if you prefer not to. If you do not provide identifying information, we need de-identified patient identifiers (Hospital number, or a unique code for any individual providing a biospecimen), so at our end we can be certain from whom each specimen is derived (often we study a family trio).

Splice variant submission form

Variant review

Cases submitted to the portal will be reviewed at our weekly meeting. Many Mendelian disorders can predominantly affect one tissue (neuronal, renal, cardiac etc). So we carefully check the splicing pattern for this gene in all manifesting tissues, and the tissues we can get hold of easily (e.g. blood, skin, urine cells).

You will receive an email regarding our opinion on the likelihood of splicing abnormalities and suitability of different biospecimens to infer splicing outcomes to the manifesting tissue (with respect to developmental or tissue-specific expression of a given gene).

RNA-4RD ascertainment criteria

Other options for studies

If we are unable to study a case, either because it does not meet our ascertainment criteria, or because there is not sufficient expression in a clinically accessible tissue, we may be able to refer cases to other partner studies.

Timeline for results

Estimated time-to-reporting is 4-6 months. A rapid RNA Diagnostic testing pipeline (PCR-based) remains available for cases with clinical urgency (check box in the submission form). Unfortunately, primer synthesis no longer occurs in Australia and primers now take ~1 week to arrive. Fastest possible TAT is 3 weeks.

Current SOPs, are that we need to reproducibly detect every abnormal/normal splicing event with two separate primer pairs, confirmed in two experimental repeats, with Sanger sequencing of amplicons to confirm precisely the abnormal splicing event. As there can be multiple abnormal splicing outcomes, this often requires 8 bespoke primer pairs for each case. This follow-up and confirmation can take time but as the resultant clinical decision making is often significant (e.g. PGD) we feel this degree of analysis is essential.

Clinical impact survey

As part of the Sydney Health Partners MRFF-funded study, metrics around the clinical impact of our splicing studies must be recorded.

Once provided with a research diagnostic report, there is a short survey to record clinical impact.

Our goal is to develop standard operating procedures (SOPs), and gather clinical impact and health economic metrics, to enable this testing to transition into an accredited diagnostic service.

Clinical impact survey

Sample requirements

Whole blood PAXgene RNA tube

SampleTubeVolumeTemperatureTime-sensitivityDelivery mode
Whole bloodPAXgene RNA2.5 mlsRoom temp, on ice or frozenMODERATE. <72 hours*Sendaways

*Must reach the receiving laboratory within 72 hours for processing.

Collection Instructions:

  • 2.5 ml whole blood collected in a PAXgene blood RNA tube (PreAnalytiX).
  • After Blood Collection gently invert the PAXgene Blood RNA Tube 8 to 10 times.
  • RNA is stable at room temperature, refrigerated or frozen for the following timeframes:
    • up to 3 days at room temperature (15–25°C)
    • up to 5 days at 2–8°C
    • at least 1 year at -20°C

Whole blood for isolation of PBMCs

SampleTubeVolumeTemperatureTime-sensitivityDelivery method
Whole Blood

EDTA or Li-Hep

(no gel)

8 mls

Room temp ONLY


HIGH. <48 hours**Courier

*DO NOT put on ice, in fridge or freezer.

**Samples must be processed by RNA testing lab within 48 hours of collection.

Collection Instructions:

  • 8 ml whole blood collected into a:
    • EDTA tube, or
    • lithium heparin tube (no gel).  Please note: Use of Li-Hep tubes with no gel is essential.
  • The sample must reach us within 48h of collection and be shipped and stored at room temperature. Please note: The sample is non-viable with storage at 4°C, or after 48 hours.


SampleTubeVolumeTemperatureTime-sensitivityDelivery method
Urine (not morning void)2 x Specimen containers2 x 70 ml

Room temp ONLY



 <4-6 hours**


*DO NOT embed in ice or freeze. Place with a cool block in summer.
**Samples must be processed by RNA testing lab within 4-6 hours of collection.

Collection Instructions:

  • 2 x 70 ml standard urine specimen containers per individual.
    • Please Note: Not the morning void.
  • The sample must reach uswithin 4 – 6 h of collection and be shipped at room temperature, preferably with a cool block during hot summer months but NOT embedded in ice.
    • Please note: Cells are non-viable after 6-8 hours.

Skin biopsy

Fibroblast culture

SampleTube or containerTemperatureTime-sensitivityDelivery method
3 mm or 2 mm diameter, full-thickness skin biopsySterile cryotube or specimen container with saline

Room temp ONLY



<4-6 hours**

Intra-hospital transfer or courier to diagnostic lab 

*NO ice, fridge or freezing. DO NOT fix. 

**Biopsy must be processed by diagnostic lab within 4-6 hours.

Collection Instructions:

  • Collect a 3 mm or 2 mm diameter, full-thickness skin biopsy sample, obtained under strict sterile conditions.
  • Place into a sterile cryotube or specimen container with a small amount of normal saline to prevent the specimen from drying out during transport to the Diagnostic laboratory responsible for fibroblast explant culture.
  • The sample must be transported at room temperature and reach the Diagnostic Laboratory within 4 – 6 h of collection for fibroblasts explant culture using standard diagnostic protocols.
    • Please note: No ice. No fridge. No freezer. No fixative.

For RNA extraction

SampleTube or containerTemperatureTime-sensitivityDelivery method
3 mm or 2 mm diameter, full-thickness skin biopsySterile cryotube with RNA-laterRoom temp OR with cool block.  


<48 hours*

Biopsy: Intra-Hospital pathways

Fibroblasts: Courier

*Sample must be processed by RNA testing lab within 48 hours.

Collection Instructions:

  • Collect a 3 mm or 2 mm diameter, full-thickness skin biopsy sample, obtained under strict sterile conditions.
  • Place into a 1.5 ml or 2.0 ml sterile cryotube containing RNA-later (Cooper team will provide this).
  • Transport the sample at room temperature or with a Cool Block to the RNA Testing centre.

Fresh tissue specimen

SampleTube or containerTemperatureTime-sensitivityDelivery method
Biopsy or autopsy specimen at least 3 mm in diameterSterile cryotube with RNA-laterRoom temp OR with cool block OR on ice. 


<48 hours*


*Samples must be processed by RNA testing lab within 48 hours of collection.

Collection Instructions:

  • Transfer a piece of biopsy or autopsy tissue into a sterile cryotube containing RNA-later (Cooper team will provide this).
  • The sample may be transported at room temperature or with a Cool Block or On Ice to the RNA Testing centre.

Frozen tissue specimen

SampleTube or containerTemperatureTime-sensitivityDelivery method
Piece of frozen tissue at least 3 mm diameter, OR, 50x cryosections of 10 mM thicknessSterile tube with RNA-laterRoom temp OR with cool block OR on ice


<48 hours*


*Samples must be processed by RNA testing lab within 48 hours of collection.

Collection Instructions:

  • Transfer a piece of biopsy or autopsy tissue into a sterile cryotube containing RNA-later (Cooper team will provide this).
  • The sample may be transported at room temperature or with a Cool Block or On Ice to the RNA Testing centre.

Live cell culture

SampleTube or containerTemperatureTime-sensitivityDelivery method
Cultured fibroblasts, chorionic villus, amniocytes etc. T25 Flask (screw down cap preferred)

Room temp ONLY



<48 hours*


*Samples must be processed by RNA testing lab within 48 hours of collection.

Collection Instructions:

  • The day prior to shipment, trypsinise the cells and seed at approximately 60% - 75% confluence into T25 flask (screw down cap, rather than filter cap, if possible).
    • GOAL for cell shipment:  Cells very near confluence, or an unpacked, confluent monolayer. Both underconfluence and overconfluence can limit cell viability with transit.
  • Additionally on the day prior to shipment, fill a second T25 flask without any cells to near the top with culture media.  Stand this T25 upright in the tissue culture incubator overnight to pre-warm, pH balance, and oxygenate the media.  If screw cap, ensure the cap is set open to allow gas exchange.
  • The day of shipment, check cell confluency. If underconfluent, defer shipment for 24 hours. If over-confluent (densely packed monolayer), trypsinise again and defer shipment for the following day.
  • Stand the flask of cells to be shipped upright.  Use a 10 ml pipette to gently transfer the pre-equilibrated media to completely fill the T25 flask. Tighten the screw cap to prevent further gas exchange and seal with parafilm.  If filter cap – ensure the parafilm creates a good seal.
    • PURPOSE of filled flask: Minimise “sloshing injury” to the cell monolayer during transit.
  • Ship the cells at room temperature. Transit temperature must not exceed 37oC. Ship with a cool block if daily temperature is expected to be >37oC. Cell viability will reduce exponentially with transit times longer than 48 hours.

Cell pellets

SampleTube or containerTemperatureTime-sensitivityDelivery method
Cell pellet Sterile tube and snap-frozen or resuspended in RNAlaterRoom temp OR with cool block OR on ice. 


<48 hours*


*Sample must be processed by RNA testing lab within 48 hours.

Collection Instructions:

  • Transfer appropriate volume (T25 – T75) of cell culture into a 15 ml tube.
  • Centrifuge at room temperature at 500 x g for five minutes in a swinging bucket rotor to pellet cells.
  • Remove supernatant and resuspend in 1ml of growth media and transfer to 1.5 ml tube.
  • Centrifuge cells at 4°C at 500 x g for five minutes in a fixed angle rotor microcentrifuge and remove supernatant.
  • Place on dry ice and incubate for five minutes to snap-freeze or resuspend in 5-10 volumes of RNAlater.

Samples for DNA sequencing

We are carrying out low pass DNA sequencing in conjunction with RNA testing for 20 context 2 cases. DNA or blood specimen sent to DNA address:

Attention: Sophie Conroy (RNA4RD DNA studies) 
GMP Service lab
SA Pathology, Frome Rd
Adelaide, SA 5000
Ph: (08) 8222 3648

This may be; an existing stored DNA sample, OR an additional 1-2mls of blood in an EDTA tube for fresh DNA isolation, OR a self-swab saliva sample for fresh DNA isolation

Courier delivery address

Attention: Adam Bournazos/Raisa Hasan (RNA4RD)
Children’s Medical Research Institute
214 Hawkesbury Road
Westmead NSW 2145
Ph: +61 404 126 711 / +61 432 085 995

Note: Please advise when the shipment is dispatched and forward the tracking number to Adam.Bournazos@health.nsw.gov.au and Raisa.Hasan@health.nsw.gov.au. Please courier time-sensitive samples. If not using an in-house courier service use CRYOPDP account number CMRI. Contact Adam Bournazos or Chi Lynch-Sutherland if you have any questions.

*Please note we cannot cover the cost of a courier from regional areas.

Research testing and consent

Research testing

Currently, RNA splicing studies are research testing, but we are taking steps to comply with regulatory requirements for prospective accreditation. Consent for collection, testing and storage of human biospecimens for research requires completion of the research consent forms. Patients must be provided with the relevant information to allow for informed consent to be undertaken. We use previously archived RNA from other families to provide the appropriate age and gender-matched control RNA for future cases.

For more information please see section 13, subsection 6 in the Adult and Parent / Guardian Information Sheet.

Summary to assist research consenting

  • This is research testing (for now, this project hopes to obtain health services delivery metrics to translate this testing into routine diagnostics).
  • Our studies will look at the mRNA recipe for the gene thought to be at the root cause of a family's genetic condition, using blood, skin or urine cells (samples that are relatively easy to get), in an effort to show if their genetic variant actually disrupts splicing of the RNA recipe for the protein.
  • We have had a lot of success with this new technique in helping to provide a genetic diagnosis for families, but sometimes our testing is uninformative (1/40 families tested so far).
  • We will store biospecimens from the family in our secure, private BioBank. We will keep biospecimens in the BioBank indefinitely.
  • The family can request at any time to withdraw from the study and have their samples removed from the BioBank.
  • Once we have completed testing for this family, we will send a research report to the doctor(s) who sought this testing, and the doctors and genetic counsellors will explain the results to the family.



Chi Lynch-Sutherland

Email: clynch-sutherland@cmri.org.au

Phone: 0487 103 568

See more about the team

Family feedback

Participating families are invited to provide anonymous feedback on their experience with the RNA-4RD research initiative.

Provide feedback