Poisons Information Centre research

Poisons Information Centre research

This page is a research page on Kids Research. For more on the Poisons Information Centre (PIC) website.

PIC website

The Poisons Information Centre is a multifaceted service centre that provides the latest poisons information to the public and health professionals. They also play an important role in evaluating poison risks for children, proposing measures in an effort to manage such risks. 


Poisoning effects children of all ages and is a leading cause of harm in this age group, from young children who are affected by accidental poisoning to adolescents due to poisoning self-harm. Our current research objectives and vision is to expand and enhance toxicovigilance networks, building better real-time and informative processes that improve guidance for emerging drug harms for treatment and prevention. This helps us improve health outcomes for children, reducing accidental poisoning and dangerous consumer products reaching children.


  • We have improved NSW management guidelines of childhood poisoning. 
  • Our research has resulted in public campaigns for safe medication and chemical storage around children as well as community awareness of the dangers of certain consumer products. 
  • Our research has introduced change in the packaging and labelling of button batteries and products containing button batteries in Australia.