Dermatology, Vascular Anomalies and Rare Diseases

Dermatology, Vascular Anomalies and Rare Diseases

The Dermatology, Vascular Anomalies and Rare Diseases research group is a clinical-research team based at the Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick. We work closely with the University of NSW and our team have over 20 years of experience in rare diseases with significant international and national presence in both research and patient care. Our multidisciplinary team have expertise in dermatology, rare diseases, epidermolysis bullosa and vascular anomalies.  


The group is working to utilise new technology to identify cutaneous infections and target treatment to prevent resistance of organism. Our focus is the translational research that improves the outcomes and care for children with rare diseases or conditions.


  • We are repurposing drugs to target genetic pathways to improve the outcome and improve the mortality and morbidity for the children we treat.
