Mind-Body team research
This page is a research page. For clinical information, please view our Psychological Medicine service page on the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network website.
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The Mind-Body Team Research group is a research team within the Psychological Medicine service based at both the Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick and The Children's Hospital at Westmead. They are a part of the Kids Mental Health Research group at Kids Research based at both The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick. We provide a consultation-liaison service to children and young people admitted to hospital for medical treatment as well as multidisciplinary support to children and young people with complex somatic symptoms.
Children with functional neurological disorders present with disabling physical and psychological symptoms, our research aims to understand underlying neurobiology, to develop better treatment, and to promote recovery and health and wellbeing.
- Our research team running research programs for children with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) published a special report on the treatment of FND in the Harvard Review of Psychiatry and created a first-of-its-kind practical manual for the treatment of FS, aiming to educate and empower clinicians around the world in the treatment of these conditions in paediatrics. See the full report.
- We developed a manual for health professionals called, 'Treatment of Functional Seizures in Children and Adolescents: A Mind-Body Manual for Health Professionals', as a free to download book, aiming to help provide access to health professionals caring for children and young people experiencing FS around the world, to encourage the development of a more compassionate and effective culture of care. See the full book on Google Play.