Centre for Kidney Research

Centre for Kidney Research

This page is a research page. For clinical information, please view our nephrology service page on the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network website.

See service page

The Centre for Kidney Research is the research arm of the nephrology clinical service based at The Children's Hospital at Westmead. We have two research groups: a clinical research group and a laboratory research group. The groups work together, focusing on nephrology, biostatistics, epidemiology, health economics and psychology.


Our translational clinical and laboratory research aims to identify causes, treatments, prevention and management of a range of kidney diseases, and to evaluate the evidence for current treatments. Our clinical research areas are Aboriginal and Indigenous health, evidence synthesis, priority populations health and patient centred care. Our laboratory research focuses on improving our understanding of patients with kidney disease through immunology, genetics, advanced therapeutics and other novel therapies.



  • We have established which early markers of chronic kidney disease have most influence on the trajectory of chronic disease and the target age range for early prevention programs in Aboriginal and Indigenous children.
  • We have produced and implemented clinical practice guidelines on the management of kidney disease in both adults and children to health professionals across Australia and New Zealand. Resulting in improved evidence-based care for patients and cost savings to the health system.